I shortened ours (out of pure laziness) down to 2 weeks, starting on a Sunday, then picked which ones I thought we would be able to accomplish out of her list of 18 . Here is the list I ended up with when I completed it (the first time.. Yes, you read that correctly.. I''ll get to that.):
-Watch the Veggie Tales Easter special.
-Make something for someone as a surprise
-Make something for old people.
-Have an egg hunt. -Read Good Friday story.
-Have an Easter treat. -Share.
-Meet our neighbors. -Read the Easter story.
-Help someone who needs it.
-Dye Easter eggs. -Open our Easter baskets!
-Give a toy to a kid who needs it.
-Make a special Easter dinner.
-Do something nice for a friend.
I wrote them out nicely,
thoughtfully choosing each color combination of pen and paper, and tried to fold them in some different 'cute' ways.
I repeated some of course and kept A LOT of them simple. My thinking: They are just going to open them and ask me to read it anyway. I put them in the eggs, closed them up and was SO proud of myself when I finished the project a WEEK ahead of time!
..or so I thought..
During one of my lunch breaks, I was reading back over my list (in order to be prepared for each egg activity when opened). I realized that some of the eggs were setting me (and in turn my family) up for extra stress and possible 'failure'.
My kids and I are away from home between 10-12 hours a DAY! Our time at home consists of eating, getting ready for school/bed, and little bits of time in between. Not to mention the fact that we are taking a class at church Monday nights through Holy Week, participating in a Young Adult (Woohoo! We meet the qualifications!) group on Tuesday nights, and I sometimes have commitments outside the home on Thursday nights. I decided to make a few changes accordingly.
I made the following activity substitutions:
-Decorate our window for Easter
-Make Bunny Masks
-Do Jesus/Sin Science Experiment
-Make something to send to Grandparents
-Color Easter Pictures
Next, I made sure any activity requiring a lot of time, prep, and cleanup was saved for the 'right' nights. Like the NERD I am, I pulled out my calendar and plotted it all out before assigning any activity to a day number. (To be honest, I did transpose a few of them and had some surprises when opening them. Thankfully they were easy ones I was already prepared for.) You know, a 'Full-Time Lifer' has a scattered brain and has to be ready to adapt at a second's notice.
And to finish us off, the Saturday before the unveiling, I got a full (3 hour) dual-nap window (for those of you who have never dealt with small children, this is when both/all children sleeping at the same time for the allotted duration of the 'non-cranky-pants' nap time requirement). So, of course, instead of cleaning or resting, I got a crafting bug in my brain and decorated the egg carton!
Had to tape cut and tape the two (different kinds of) cartons together.

I mean, why
would I
choose a number
of days that
the store
that way?
And yes, that is masking tape. The crafting bug does not plan ahead, it moves on a whim and utilizes the resources at hand! But that's ok, cuz I just covered it with a 'Jesus Loves Me!' sticker. What?!? He DOES!
would I
choose a number
of days that
the store
that way?
And yes, that is masking tape. The crafting bug does not plan ahead, it moves on a whim and utilizes the resources at hand! But that's ok, cuz I just covered it with a 'Jesus Loves Me!' sticker. What?!? He DOES!
Tape on some related Bible verses
Add the Golden Egg
and Voila! The kids will LOVE it!
(Who am i kidding? They probably would be happy reaching into a grocery bag and picking an undecorated egg at random.)
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