Dear mom who can do it all,
Please forgive me for not living up to your expectations. I always try not to mock you when I don't understand or relate to you, because secretly I envy your perfection & extensive range of abilities and talents. Sometimes I feel like I stayed home sick the day they handed out the SUPERMOM pills. You must have taken my dose along with yours. Now you're unstoppable! It pains me to admit this, and I cringe as I am writing it, but I CAN'T do it all! I'm just trying to do my best.. but some days it feels like my best isn't good enough for you.
I do not stay home with my two young & impressionable children to personally mold their minds and characters. Yes, I leave the house every weekday to clock in & out of a job that monetarily pays me twice a month. Yes, I drop off my precious gifts from God at a pre-school which I carefully selected & entrust at-one-time-strangers with their well-being daily. It's not because I am lazy, or selfish, or because it's what my mom did. I know how hard it was for her. It's not because I think staying home would be too hard. I know it is! It's not because that was the plan that Hunnie & I discussed before we started growing our family. And although I have worked my whole teenage & adult life, and didn't ever picture myself not working (even if it isn't with a big degree or a great career), it's not because of that either. I do what I do because I HAVE to. Simple as that. Our family relies on my income to SURVIVE. We're not talking about paying for privileges, trips, or extras. We are talking 'four walls' bare minimum. I am happy that you have planned and are able to stay home with your sweet babies, but that is just not that state of my current family situation. I respect your choices, and I'd like to think you would do the same for me. I also hope my delinquents don't corrupt your angels some day.
I do not buy all organic, sugar free food and prepare beautifully home-cooked meals every night. I do try to make healthy choices for my family, but I can't always afford all the options I see you pinning or even the ones I pin. Don't get me wrong, my kids get plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and they don't pig out on junk food. They barely ever get candy or juice, and when they do get juice it's watered down. I just mean I ad-match at Walmart and buy the cheap peanut butter and jelly to make sandwiches for lunch every day. If I'm being honest, Daddy makes those sandwiches & the rest of the lunches 99% of the time. My pantry isn't stocked with exactly the right ingredients, and I don't shop on the same day every weekend. Sometimes I make plans with friends, run out of ALL food options mid-week, and end up shopping at night while Daddy's putting the restless to bed. I only recently started cooking weeknight dinners regularly. ..and ONLY because I was forced to with Daddy's increased work schedule. Due to my later work schedule, crock-pot meals have become a staple in our house. Thank goodness for you creating those recipes, or we would starve! Confession: even one out of every ten of those I let burn around the edges.
I'm not always fashionable. Honestly, the days that I put it all together & coordinate, I get there by asking myself "What would she do?" I consider it a victory if I wake up early enough to shower at least 5 days a week. I don't have our home decorated and staged daily like a magazine shoot is happening. I'm working on it, but the camera crew never shows up, so why rush? I don't have an activity or advent calendar for every holiday. I've done a few and try to focus on the ones that are important to us. I have to sleep SOME time! I teach & demonstrate manners, love, and kindness.. but sometimes I raise my voice, throw tantrums, and pout ..and so do my kids. I probably let my kiddos have more mostly educational screen time than they should, just so I can get stuff done or a moment of piece. I'm usually late wherever I go ..and it's not the toddler's fault. I miss my kids when I am away from them for an extended amount of time, but I never had the separation anxiety. I didn't blink twice when Nannie asked to take the Bubbster to her house 400+ miles aways for 6 weeks right after he turned one. I plan to buy books from the Scholastic drive EVERY time, but forget to turn in the form 83.7% of the time. I don't think I've successfully sent out Christmas cards since we were a family of two. This year will be different! We took WAY more pictures of the Bubbster his first year than BabyGirl, but didn't do the 'watch me grow' pictures with either one. Shoot, we didn't even do family portraits every year. If you can claim you have all of these accomplishments under you belt, kudos! I would be happy with ONE.
We may have made different choices in our lives to get us to where we are today, but in many ways, you and I are no different. We both love our families, and would do ANYTHING for them. We never could have imagined what the lives we have to today would truly look like, and now can't imagine it any other way. As we celebrate this day of Thanksgiving, and my littles are snoozing (thanks to Daddy), I am enjoying reviewing my thankful list. I am grateful for the family the Lord has blessed me with. The trials & tribulations that have made us stronger, and the things that are still yet to come. I am so thankful for the friendships growing each day with people who are open, honest, and authentic. I hope you have friends like this in your life. How could you make it this far without them? People who are not afraid to be vulnerable & raw with you, and listen when you need it. People who remind you constantly that we are all doing the best we can with what we have. People who allow me to be thankful for you, and the amazing person you are. ..even if I'm not.
With a grateful heart,
~The Mommie with endless laundry waiting to be folded & 20 socks missing mates
Enjoying life is a full time job! Let's not bicker about who has it harder. Whether you are a WAHM, SAHD, single person, a 'working' parent (what parent doesn't work?), treasure every second. Stop trying to please everyone else, and do what makes YOU happy!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Music To My Ears
**Warning: this is LONG! But, so was the process**
I recently saw a new job posting at a GREAT company that I have applied to in the past. Yes, I currently have a job. It pays the bills. However, I don't see myself spending the rest of my career here. So, I filled out the online application and submitted my resume. "WHY?" you ask: Well.. What's the worst that could happen? They aren't interested in me, I keep the job I have, and nothing changes? I'm pretty sure the answer is a no brainer!
- Friday (Wk 1) - The beginning: I received a call that HR wanted to do a phone interview with me the following Monday. I printed out the job listing.. reviewed it & my resume, as well as common interview questions (to answer & ask). I wrote down all the things I didn't want to forget on the spot. You know, when the pressure is on and you can't even remember your own name.
- Monday - Phone interview: She had a few questions I didn't 'prep' for, but I think I was still graceful. If they were interested she would call to schedule an interview for later that week, if not I would get an email. I have never wished more for new mail alerts to be sales promotions trying to get me to spend money I didn't have on something I didn't want!
- Tuesday - HR called to tell me they wanted to do a face to face interview the next day. I was excited, anxious, and stressed.. yet somehow calm. I knew that if I was good enough to get a call back, I would ROCK the interview. I studied myself again, figured out what I wanted to focus on, and decided what questions I wanted to ask them.
- Wednesday - Face to Face: I felt like it went well. The conversation was smooth, and their eyes lit up a few times when I was speaking. When I asked, she told me she had done 7 phone interviews, had 1 other face to face scheduled, and 70 applications she hadn't reviewed yet. YIKES! That's a LOT of people!!! *BREATHE* Same deal, if they were interested she would call me to move forward, if not I would get an email. She said I would hear either way within a week. Back to the email anticipation game..
- Thursday - Follow up: Dropped off handwritten Thank You cards for both people I interviewed with. ..and waited.. And I thought the last waiting period was hard! This one was almost as bad as the week after my due dates, waiting for my kiddos to make their grand entrances! It was a reasonable amount of time, but because there was a weekend in the middle, it felt like an ETERNITY. EVERY email made my heart drop, every call gave me butterflies.
..and waited.. ..and waited..
This process has been very good for me. In interviews of years past, I would attempt to be the perfect fit for the company. Trying to decipher what I thought THEY wanted me to be, and what THEY wanted me to say. After being through many seasons in life and my career, I have started to view interviews differently. For starters, this time I don't have anything to lose but have so much to gain. I am not desperate to get a job, which makes a HUGE difference. But mostly, I don't have to shape myself into their mold. If they don't think I am the right fit for their company and that position, I'M NOT! ..and it is not where I SHOULD be..
- Tuesday (Wk 2) - Skills test: Finally got a call from someone in HR letting me know I would be receiving an email with tests evaluating my math, grammar/spelling, auditing, analytical, and Excel 2010 skills. GOOD SIGN! That night, while my son was in VBS, I sat in the church office and took the tests. Overall, I felt confident in my scores. However, there were some of the excel tasks i got 'incorrect' because I didn't follow the path the program believed I should. Who doesn't click across the tabs until they find the icon they need? Who knows immediately whether to choose Format, Design, or Layout to change the look of a chart?? Well, not me! And so I waited..
..and waited.. ..and waited.. ..and waited..
For years, I have worried about if I was good enough, or what I should say. This time has given me an opportunity to truly and honestly look at myself. I get to see where my strong skills are, and where I need to improve. I can look retrospectively at my career, and current position. Where have I improved? What have I accomplished? What IS it that sets me apart from the rest? God has given me this opportunity to fine tune myself and grow. I've been allowed to feel confident in the gifts I have to provide, and learn new ways to get better.
- Monday (Wk 3) - Switch up: HR called to let me know they were still VERY interested in me as a candidate for the position. However, there were some new developments unfolding and wanted make sure I would be okay with a change in the shift schedule, pushing it back by an hour. It still fit within by daycare time frames, and since it is MUCH closer to home I said 'no problem. that should be fine'. Maybe we'll all get to eat breakfast together as a family!
- Tuesday - But wait, there's more: Scheduled a follow-up interview with another manager.
..time to prep again..
Through all of this, I know that God is in control, and I am only praying for His will. It doesn't help ease the anxiety that comes with excitement and waiting, but He does calm my fears and takes away my worry. He has a plan for me!
- Wednesday (Wk 4) - 2nd Interview: Negatives of having an interview at the end of your work day. You
are worn out physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your appearance (hair, makeup, clothing) is not as fresh as first thing in the morning.. you are WORN! You can touch up your makeup, and fiddle with your hair, but it's still not the same. Can I remember my key points? By this time of day, I can barely answer the question 'What's for dinner?'
- Thursday - Thank You Cards: Feeling confident that the interview went smoothly, I sent another round of cards expressing my growing interest and excitement in the position and company. They said they would contact me by the end of the week. That just leaves today and tomorrow!!!!
- Friday - D-Day: Crickets all day.. then on my drive home from work, I got the call..
After a four week process, it doesn't feel real. Could everything I have been hoping and praying for actually be happening? Somebody pinch me! I am filled with excitement, anticipation, and joy. Part of me knew that this would be the outcome. Everything just seemed to fit and flow so perfectly. The other part of me did not want to set myself up for disappointment. I have been open to just following the opportunities as they come. It looks like this time it has worked in my favor.
..Now to give notice, and say my goodbyes. There are quite a few people I love working with, and will miss dearly. They are the only reason I feel any sadness or guilt about leaving. I have enjoyed my time with them, and wish I could prevent them from uncomfortable transitions. I don't know how long it will take them to select someone to fill my position, who it will be, nor their qualifications. I hope my replacement is far better than I ever was, and my co-workers have smooth sailing moving forward. Hopefully the new person will be an excellent fit, and everyone will be saying 'Heather who?'.
..Now to give notice, and say my goodbyes. There are quite a few people I love working with, and will miss dearly. They are the only reason I feel any sadness or guilt about leaving. I have enjoyed my time with them, and wish I could prevent them from uncomfortable transitions. I don't know how long it will take them to select someone to fill my position, who it will be, nor their qualifications. I hope my replacement is far better than I ever was, and my co-workers have smooth sailing moving forward. Hopefully the new person will be an excellent fit, and everyone will be saying 'Heather who?'.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
I'd Like To Thank All The Little People
..coming in at (MY) lucky number #5!
And a BIG THANKS to La'Shawn at March {to} December for thinking highly enough of me to nominate!
After the little bit of research that my time schedule would allow, I was unable to pinpoint the exact origination of this Blog Award. However, I did pull together some bits and pieces..
Liebster is the German word for sweetheart, beloved person, darling, dear, liked very much, favorite, preferred above others. There is 'debate' on the maximum number of follower, how many people you are to nominate, and how many facts you are to give about yourself. Some people call it a 'chain letter', and some refer to it as 'building community'. I think it is a great way to let someone know that one little person is paying attention and likes what you're doing. PLUS, it's a wonderful platform to present some excellent little reads to enhance our little lives. I know my little reader list grew!
In order to accept here are the terms I was given:
1. I didn't have a TV in my home, until this last Christmas.
2. We now have a Smart TV, but no cable. (nope not even basic)
3. I use a lot of pink, but green is my favorite color.
4. Knives freak me out.
5. I drink coffee & red wine through a straw.
6. Singing clears my mind & soothes my soul.
7. I chew my food evenly on both sides of my mouth.
8. My guilty pleasure shows are Real Housewives & Pretty Little Liars.
9. I like volume levels on increments of 5. (5,10,15,20,25,30)
10. Growing up I had straight (blonde) hair, braces, and BIG glasses.
11. I wish I had played sports when I was younger.
Presenter Questions:
1. Go back 5 or 10 years ( You pick which one) what advise are you giving the younger you?
2. Most people can find things to "fix" about themselves. What do you love about yourself?
3. Are you a "glass half full" or "glass half empty" kinda person?
I ordered a bottle! Honestly, I have learned (thru painful experience) to not look at things with a 'positive' or 'negative' perspective, because either way I will end up disappointed. I try to just accept it all in God's plan.. and God always shows me that my cup runneth over.
4. What is one goal you have for your future?
5. What is the theme song for your life?
6. What was your favorite toy as a child?
7. If you could chose one fictional character or deceased historical person to spend the day with, who would it be?
8. What phrase or word do you overuse the most?
9. What completely creeps or grosses you out?
10. If you were unable to live where you do now, where would you live?
11. Who is the most inspirational person in your life?
My Grandmother. (sorry Mom, you do inspire me too) She made immediate & distant family her priority, and she was a constant reflection of Christ's love & servant's heart. I miss her every day and wish that I could have spent more time with her as an adult.
In no particular order:
(If you are not following any of these ladies, I suggest you hop to it!)
- Heather Pepin -
A VERY talented local photographer.. Love watching the way she & her husband are documenting their expected bundle of joy, as well as the whole thoughts/emotions that go along with that preparation. I ESPECIALLY LOVE her closing Hopes, Wishes, & Dreams!
- And that makes three -
Following this adoption journey is really heartwarming. We don't always realize how much goes into this decision and process. The struggles & anticipation CAN be very similar to bringing a child home the 'old-fashioned' way. Although I have not had these same challenges myself, her words fill me with courage and hope. Some people are just MEANT to be parents.. this lucky baby is going to experience SO MUCH LOVE!
- Loved. Seen. Heard. -
A friend recently suggested this read, and I'm SO glad he did. It is an inspiring look at becoming the YOU that you were meant to be. Looking forward to reading much more!
- Our Faith Journey -
This Grannie sure knows how to LIVE! (just like 2 Corinthians 5:7) I happened upon her when I was searching google images for 'Faith Image" during a late night decorating brainstorm. Her header image completely derailed me from my mission, and made me start humming a choir tune from the quoted verse. Don't you love it when God speaks DIRECTLY to you? It looks as though she hasn't posted anything in almost a year, but I'm hoping that there is more to learn from her stories.
- Mommy Monologue -
Honestly, I can't believe that she has under 200 followers, but I'm just going off her counters on the sidebar.This smart Mommie always leaves me wanting more, and somehow knows just where I am at in my journey. I don't always get a chance to keep regularly updated with her posts, but whenever I check in, it's JUST what I need. Plus her photos of her family are 'Awww'-worthy!
I am really enjoying following these journeys (and more). When I read them it kinda makes me feels like part of an online community/extended family. Thank you to all of you (nominated or not) for taking the time and courage to put yourself out there and be real!
Nominee Questions:
1. If you had to live under the sea what kind of animal would you be?
2. What is your least favorite household chore?
3. If you were President for a day, what is the ONE thing you would change?
4. Who is your favorite childhood icon?
5. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
6. When met with confrontation, do you fight or run?
7. What is the best dish you can cook?
8. What is the CRAZIEST thing you've ever done?
9. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
10. Can you fake any accents?
11. You wouldn't be caught dead, where?
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Is It Just Me?
Lately I've been feeling very overwhelmed. I don't know if there have been too many extra activities, work is started to continually doubt my own feelings. I compare myself to other people (never a good idea) and say, "If they can do it, why can't I?" I think, "maybe there is something wrong with me". For so long, I have been crippled by fear.
Afraid of change (good or bad), afraid of the unknown, afraid of what people will think. My group video last night spoke about trusting yourself, and trusting God. If something doesn't feel right, it's not! My feelings are valid, more stressful than normal, or my priorities have changed.. But the other day I 'snapped'. I felt like I was failing at everything, and the things that I felt were most important weren't being accomplished. I needed change, and I couldn't take it anymore. It took me a while to get to this point, because I and I should not ignore them. I don't want to live in fear! Fear is the absence of faith, and I want to live faithfully.

Today I read a post that 'my' Pastor recently wrote, where he talks about 'Becoming More'. His words were encouraging and helped me process through some of these feelings. He reminded me that "God works in and through us even when our lives feel paralyzed and futile. To become more doesn’t require “perfect” expressions of ourselves, it simply implies that we become more available and willing expressions of ourselves." Noticing & acknowledging my feelings of imbalance are a good step. Turning them over to God and being open to His will is an even better step. Sometimes I get caught up in the goal, and forget about the eventful journey to get there. When I look back at any road trips with my family growing up, I remember more about the conversations, games, stories, and laughter in the car rides than the actual destination. I want to enjoy the ride!
I find a sense of peace & calm in the knowing that "No matter who we are, or what we are going through, we can know and experience Christ’s power at work in us." I don't know about you, but that makes me feel so empowered! I don't have to be a super hero, I just have to be me.
Pastor Brian noted "In this moment, yield your life expectations and circumstances to God. In faith, ask God for open doors of missional opportunity and allow the Holy Spirit to do the unthinkable in your life. Your life will be a source of hope to others as you become more today!" People are watching, thinking, and learning. Something that may have little significance to me may have large significance to someone else. Stop looking at the past or worrying about the future. Be present in this moment and feel the difference. I will try to be more aware and intentional. I don't have to move mountains, but the mountains will move.
Pastor Brian noted "In this moment, yield your life expectations and circumstances to God. In faith, ask God for open doors of missional opportunity and allow the Holy Spirit to do the unthinkable in your life. Your life will be a source of hope to others as you become more today!" People are watching, thinking, and learning. Something that may have little significance to me may have large significance to someone else. Stop looking at the past or worrying about the future. Be present in this moment and feel the difference. I will try to be more aware and intentional. I don't have to move mountains, but the mountains will move.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Your Presence Is Presents Enough..
Reflecting on yesterday, the 29th Anniversary of my birth, I wanna talk about Presents.. BUT not for meeee, that's a-WHOLE-notha topic!!! A pair of my good friends from church got married this last weekend. I was so excited to be able celebrate with them!! I got to participate in all sorts of wedding festivities, and it was SOOOOO AWESOME!!! My husband and I attended the Engagement Party.. I went to the Bridal Shower-which got me invited to the surprise Bachelorette Party the following week.. AND, thanks to my Mom being in town, we were able to stay at the Lodge where the reception was held-allowing us to party all night long, wake up to the sound of birds chirping (instead of a baby crying), and enjoy the 'send-off' brunch with the newlyweds & family the next morning. All this celebration allowed me to do one of my FAVORITE things! As I mentioned last week, (I feel) one of my areas of strength is Gift Giving:
The Blushing Bridal Shower
A dear friend and I decided to pool our money together and give a joint present for the shower. The invite said the following (the names have been changed to protect the innocent):
*Bride* and *Groom* will soon be married,
Over the threshold she'll be carried,
But before they settle into wedded bliss,
A honeymoon trip they will not miss,
As friends and family of the two,
Here is what you're invited to do,
Shower them with gifts for the trip, need suggestions?
Here's a tip; They will be traveling on their own
in Mexico, so maybe Lingerie, cash, or a card for the phone!
Whatever you decide, we know will be perfect!
We decided to do a Mexico Gift Basket. But how to figure out what to put in it? Hmmm.. You guessed it! Of course I Googled "What to give someone who is traveling to mexico". A VERY successful search!!! First site that popped up: Top Ten Gift Ideas for Someone Traveling to Mexico - Yahoo!Voices
We decided to do a Mexico Gift Basket. But how to figure out what to put in it? Hmmm.. You guessed it! Of course I Googled "What to give someone who is traveling to mexico". A VERY successful search!!! First site that popped up: Top Ten Gift Ideas for Someone Traveling to Mexico - Yahoo!Voices
(Am I alone in seeing the irony of my Google search returning a Yahoo! link as the first option?)
P1. A map of Mexico(Free at AAA) P2. Organic and biodegradable Sunscreen
3. Rain of God, by Victor Villaseñor 4. A passport case in a bright color
5. A Virgen of Guadaloupe Tshirt 6. A digital camera P7. OFF Bug Spray
8. An extra suitcase P9. A guidebook for Mexico(Free at AAA)
P10. A journal and a set of colored pens or pencils
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(Of course I forgot to take a picture AFTER I added #2 & #7!) |
Go For a Bride With Me.. Wine Not?
Based on work and family, I didn't think I would be able to make it to the Bachelorette Party. But, Hunnie told me he would take care of the kids, I should have a good time with the girls, and 'made' me go. So thankful he did.. I had a BLAST! It had been quite a while since I have done ANYTHING like that. I enjoyed playing along with all the shenanigans the maide of honour had planned, and drinking my red wine through a straw! And, of course, I didn't come empty-handed. If you do a quick search on Pinterest for Bachelorette Party Survival Kit, you will find PLENTY of ideas. I looked thru a few and compiled this list. Quick trip to the local dollar store after work and VOILA!
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(Yes, I forgot to include the shout wipes.. BUT one of the girls pointed out that the bucket could ALSO be used for 'nausea aftermath'!) |
Set the Lovin to High:
The wedding was set in the country, nestled in the woods. The venue was rustic & nature-filled, decorations delicate & sweet, and cermony special & touching (a butterfly even fluttered through the guests as we witnessed them exchanging vows).. it was so perfectly THIS couple! Their wedding webiste had the following written under the 'Registry' section:
I wanted to honor their wishes, but also wanted to give them something that was as unique and amazing as they are. The site they included is a place where you can contribute money and 'assign' it to a particular item in their Dream Home. It includes pictures of things they want, and a place where you can create your own. What a COOL idea! I however, like something I can put my hands on! So, I found this Wedding Jar idea, edited some of the wording, and put it inside an over-sized mason jar. Then I wrote a personalized note inside a cookbook, wrapped it in an apron, inserted wooden spoons, and wrapped it all up pretty-with a Neon Ribbon & Lace. I placed it all in a storage box that looks like vintage luggage, and topped it off with a FREE Printable Gift Tag. I must say, *TOOT TOOT* it came together pretty nice!
"What our hearts are really after. . . . is a HOME! We are so excited to start living our DREAM of having our own FARM and starting our own FAMILY. We are asking for your support andBLESSING as we prepare ourselves to begin this new chapter in our lives. Please visit our alternative to a traditional registry at
The couple would humbly prefer to decline gifts of any sort. We have almost everything we need in this world to start building our life together through marriage. We have set up an additonal registry at Target and Macy’s to accommodate tradition."
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(No, I didn't take a picture of my awesome Cookbook/Apron wrapping job! Why would I think of that?) |
So, I NEVER said I was a PERFECT giver.. I just said (I feel) it is one of my STRENGTHS! More than the gifts, I really enjoyed spending extra time with the Bride & Groom during all the events, and getting to know them, their families, and friends better. Hearing their vows, and what our Pastor had to say about marriage, made me take another look at how I treat my marriage. Do I try to push MY way? Do I put my husband's needs first? Depending on the day, the answer to BOTH of those can change. I want to focus on what marriage is meant to be, and put as much effort & thought into giving to Hunnie as I did on these gifts.
Friday, May 31, 2013
That's What It's All About
You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, you put your left hand in, and you shake it all about.. Some days I wish the Hokey Pokey really WAS what it was all about, cuz I sure can turn myself around! Trying to remember why we're here, what my 'job' is as a parent (more specifically, a MOTHER), as a wife, and as a friend. In our society and crazy busy lives, it is sometimes lost in the shuffle. In my rat race, sometimes I lose site of His greater purpose. I have to constantly remind myself, Love God, Love others.. Love God, Love others. How do I do this correctly? I mean, I think I do! But, do I do it for the right reasons, or with the proper heart?
" I've learned that people will forget what you
said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you
made them feel."
I have run across this quote numerous times, and I LOVE it EACH time I read it, but it REALLY speaks to me today! It helped me to put some things I've been struggling with into perspective, and reminded me that, although I'm not prefect, I am not failing.
Gift giving is an area where (I feel) I excel. The cards, wrapping, thought, and sentiment are always customized to the recipient. I think about their current needs, the person that they are, and what they would truly appreciate. I research by looking into scripture for the meaning and purpose behind occasions and gifts. I take careful thought, time, and effort in presentation. I always walk away feeling good about my delivery. Sometimes, I worry that if it brings me too much joy when giving a present, then I'm only doing it for me. However, I have to tell myself that if they enjoy it just as much or more than I do, then it's a successful mission.
Where I sometimes struggle, is with my words. Not in finding them, but in choosing them! I have a quick wit, and sharp tongue. There are occasions when the things I say effect people in a way I never intended. I recently had a conversation with one of my friends, where she let me know I had unintentionally hurt her feelings based on observations I had been making. I was concerned about her and some of the choices she was making. I felt I had approached it carefully and gracefully, but the truth was she just didn't want to hear it. In some ways, she was right. It's none of my business! I am allowed to be concerned about her, I can mention it to her if (after prayer) I feel it is really necessary. But after that, I have to let go and let God! If I am still concerned, I need to continue pray for her and know that she is in God's hands. Bringing it to her attention every time I see it happening doesn't make her feel good, doesn't solve anything, and puts a wedge in our relationship. We all have our journeys to travel, and WE get to choose how we get there. And, Lord knows, I don't want anyone telling ME which path to take! Don't they deserve the same privilege and respect? Let my words and actions show Christ's love.
It all boils down to figuring out what you feel is the most important for you and your family and doing that! (and remember that it is ALWAYS ok to change the focus with the seasons of our lives) Read a great post this morning on a different perspective: Gina at The Shabby Creek Cottage talks about paying attention to some life lessons from and unexpected source. Since I had already been thinking about this topic, I really enjoyed her view. Why is it when we grow up, our focus changes, and we let other people tell us what is important? I don't need to compare myself to the mom down the block, or the CEO down the hall. I need to pay attention to what my children are (and aren't) saying to me. I need to make sure that I am fulfilling mine and my family's needs. I need to encourage people in their strengths, and rely on God to fill my weaknesses. I need to remember we are all a work in progress.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The Time Has Come!

So, you may or may not know that I have 'special' Pinterest guidelines for myself. If not, you can read about that crazy here. I have really enjoyed using the 'new' secret board option to discreetly design collaborative spaces , plan parties (mostly baby showers), and gather gift giving/presentation ideas. At first, I was
During this journey with my group, I have had to change so many of my eating habits and menus. And by this, I mean I've had to ACTUALLY make a menu. Usually Hunnie would take care of all that thought process (which is AMAZING), but I can't eat most of the things we've been making. When I started, he told me he was completely on board and would support me 100%. He said he would cook/make whatever I needed him to, but I had to figure out what that was. I thought/think that is a VERY reasonable request!
So, to collect some recipes and inspiration, where do you think I went? I hope NO ONE said cookbooks (even though I have about 15 on my kitchen counter).. How ARCHAIC!! That's right! I turned to my trusty Pal, Pinterest. If you guessed that, do not pat yourself on the back, it was a NO BRAINER! As I scrolled.. and scrolled.. and scrolled.. and scrolled (you get the point), I realized that I didn't have any board I "could" pin these awesome recipes to. None of my criteria left room for FOOD (which was an original intention because of my poor eating habits). I attempted to just 'like' recipes, (remember that 'EXTRA' board loophole?) but it was too hard to find them later in the slew of all other liked pins. I started pinning some to my <3 Myself board, but stopped because I did want to keep that as fashion ONLY. I wrestled with the decision for about a week or two and then FINALLY decided to create a NEW board.

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

With this, the board quickly morphed into more than food, but also fitness, good thoughts, and inspirational things. I open each description with a predetermined sub-category. If it is not {FOOD}, it is {MIND},{BODY},or{SOUL} OR any combination of the three. My guideline you ask? How would God truly feel about that? Yep! That's it!
Do you have any Pinterest Guidelines?
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Keep-"Pin" In Check
When I started on Pinterest (you know, BEFORE it was an app on everyone's phone *wink* and you had to actually be INVITED *double wink*), I only used it to plan parties more efficiently with my friends. Now everyone and their mother is on, which does make pinning a more fun adventure, and has opened a vast of new ideas & opportunities into my life.
But.. It did bring up a dilemma for me. I become addicted to social medias & craft ideas SO easily. When you put those two together, LORD help us all! BP (Before Pinterest), when I was looking to decorate a specific thing, try a
But.. It did bring up a dilemma for me. I become addicted to social medias & craft ideas SO easily. When you put those two together, LORD help us all! BP (Before Pinterest), when I was looking to decorate a specific thing, try a
craft or plan for an event/holiday, here is what would happen: I would do a google search, open a THOUSAND tabs on my browser (not an exaggeration-have you ever seen the pop up that says 'memory
Since the feed NEVER ends, neither do I!

I could go on and on and on and on and on and on.. you get the picture. SO MANY GOOD IDEAS! TOO MANY FUNNY (AND MOSTLY INAPPROPRIATE) E-CARDS!
So, in order to keep me in check, and allow me to continue to function as a normal human being, I had to give myself guidelines to follow:
#1 - Create Practical Boards
For Pinterest to serve it's purpose in my life & home, I need to only create boards that are useful to me & my family. This means no boards specifically for E-Cards, cute animals, etc. Here are the original ones I created for the different areas in MY life:
- Together we make a Family Family harmony tips & picture ideas
- Siblings are different Flowers from the same Garden Garden theme ideas to decorate the kids' shared room
- The Bubbster Boy stuff just for my little man
- BabyGirl Pretty things for Daddy's girl
- Footnotes.. SHOES SHOES SHOES! - YES! They deserve their OWN board!
- Friends and Family Gather Here Home decor for our apartment
- <3 Myself Fashion I like for ME!
- {FUTURE} Jeremiah 29:11 Ideas for the future of our family and the home we will one day own
I created these later as the need arose:
Cute As a Button Baby ShowerCollaborative board for my seeester's shower-I don't think I have added anything to it in almost 6 months, but people are following it and still repinning from it, so I haven't deleted it. *EDIT* This has now been changed to:- Baby Showers to accomodate other friends showers I am helping plan or brainstorm for, without creating ANOTHER board for EACH. Each of my pin descriptions begin with {BRACKETS} noting a shower theme or generic category.
- Valentine's Day Hunnie and I don't really 'celebrate' this day.. "If you can't show me you love me every other day of the year, don't buy me over priced roses/candy/stuffed animals ONE day." BUT, this has fun ideas for school parties and thoughtful 'gifts'-Started this in January, and am still adding stuff for the coming years.
- 1 Peter 1:3 {EASTER} I think this is self explanatory-Since I believe it is one of the most significant Holidays for Christianity, I LOVE it and am ALWAYS adding stuff to this, year round! (I wonder if eventually I will have a board for EVERY holiday..)
- Gifts I've Given I have a secret board for gift ideas (so the recipient won't know until they receive it), but once I give the gift, it gets moved here.. along with my comments of how it went.
#2 - Pin Where Applicable ONLY
If the pin does not fit EASILY into one of the board descriptions above, DON'T pin it! I repeat, DO NOT PIN IT! (Side note: If you 'LIKE' something on Pinterest, it's like a whole other board that doesn't show up on the feeds!)
#3 - Pin Only If Plausible
If you don't think you will ever: do it, use it, make it, buy it, wear it, cook it, or try it, DON'T pin it! (You are more than welcome to 'LIKE' it, comment on it, or tag another friend, but don't even THINK about pinning it to one of your boards!)
#4 - Forget About Repins&Followers
I still get the updates if people repin/like something I've pinned, start following my boards, or if one of my friends posts something to our shared board. However, I do not let it consume me or judge the value of myself and my pins. My pins are for ME. If other people enjoy and benefit from them, GREAT! If not, oh well.. I'm happy! (The reason I keep the updates is because sometimes people I am not following start to follow me/repin something. If they like something on my boards, the likelihood of us having similar interests/tastes/goals is fairly high. Therefore, I can find new people to follow and more inspiration sources to pull from)
#4 - Set Time Limits & Restrictions
For a while I was ok with just the parameters for pinning. But.. after a while, I had to pull a Mommie on myself! Just like I have restrictions on the kids' screen time, I enforced it on ME! NO PINNING:
- While I am with the kids & they are awake
- When there are other chores to be done
- On date night *DUH*, more than 10 minutes at a time with AT LEAST one hour in between pin-sessions.
I'm sure as time goes on, I will have to create more boundaries,
but with that being said..
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